Sunday, August 16, 2009

Crashing CRASH's Party and sHARKS!

If you want to read CRASH's going away party story and her get rick quick scheme- you can visit her blog here.

I am going to miss her TONS- as she leaves the island tonight!!!! We are all bawling our eyes out-- as the minutes count down. ( I am avoiding. I hate saying goodbye.)

Here's a picture of my family (mom, grandma, great-aunt and sis) crashed her going away lunch-- on our way to the SHARK encounter.

Here I am entering the shark cage.

THere really was sharks in the water!

Here's a picture of me and Ros... ( my grandma- but we don't call her that. She way too young to be a GREAT grandma.)
But I just had to laugh- she wanted to do the SHARK Encounter and my sister and I were a bit unsure-- I mean--- don't most people bond with their grandma's by looking at scrapbooks? learning how to bake bread? bake pies?

Or does everyone have an extreme grandma- who likes to swim with sharks? Maybe I'm too old fashioned.

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